Premium site search
Add "ThatNeedle" search box to show your users relevant content only. (whereas others frustrate with numerous irrelevant results)

Based on PATENTS PENDING technology
Best semantic search results only - no clutter
Ideal for mobile phones
Improves with time

Compare it with the "best known" natural language search feature and experience the difference yourself!
Be better than the best.

Now, search isn't "needle in a haystack".
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Request a demo where you can compare our performance with the well known semantic search technologies.
You can also request a demo for your own site and see how it performs for your content.
Prepare to be impressed.

See more features here

Custom natural language search

Custom search needs?
Semantic applications or NLP problems?
Get in touch for a price quote.Learn more about custom search

Semantic site Search - Beyond Keywords

Contemporary semantic search solutions focus on keywords but our solution is great at determining the intent correctly. As a result our search results have the best search relevance and are top-notch.
We get search relevance right.

Economical & Effective

Companies waste precious time and money trying to solve ecommerce natural language search problems by patching band-aid fixes which are based on keywords derived from user queries.This is a deceptive problem.

In the end, our natural language search solution will be way better in quality and economy for your enterprise.

Case study of an ecommerce site that uses natural language search

In the NEWS for semantic search and Natural language search