NLP tools and semantic Products

Topic extraction for Technology text | ChatBots | Entity Recognition/Extraction |Semantic site search | Natural language text classification tools|AutoSuggest (Faceted search) | APIs (Natural language to filters, classification etc) | Voice Search solutions | Custom Brains

Niche Topic Extractors
Deep topic extraction
Ready to use intelligent NLP tools to extract topics from text. Provide hierarchy, sorting, inferences for various niches.
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Offline Libraries
Real time NLP Libraries
A collection of high performance real time libraries for various NLP tasks that work offline / on premise.
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ThatNeedle AutoSuggest
Intelligent AutoSuggest.
A search bar that gives you instant automatic suggestions that always lead to valid result pages.
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ThatNeedle Voice
Voice interface for your search.
It simply works!
Get rid of your clunky forms, checkboxes, dropdowns. Let your users find what they are looking for.
See here and here
ThatNeedle Site Search
This is your own semantic search engine for natural language search on your website content.
We are great at finding semantically relevant results and reducing clutter. If you just want to sit back and let us do the heavy lifting for you.
search feature
ThatNeedle NLP API
Use our powerful NLP stack through an API. Convert Natural language to filters, perform text classification. Let us know your needs and we will be able to address your custom NLP API requirement.
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Niche / Custom Chatbots
Intelligent service agents.
An intelligent chat bot for your niche that can help you engage customers in meaningful chat and improve business.
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Custom Tools
High performance NLP tools
We can create specialized custom tools for you for your natural language processing needs. One such tool is a named entity extractor.
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