Custom NLP solutions,
Semantic search solutions

No learning curve for you
Extremely Fast
Based on PATENTS PENDING NLP technology

Committed to delivering the best natural language processing technology in the world.


We are based on our very powerful natural language processing based natural language processing engine. We don't just show keyword based suggestions but much more. We will give a semantic technology customized for you, delivered on the cloud.

Fast & Precise

Most NLP solutions tend to be slow and clunky.
We only deliver the most relevant search results and reduce clutter.
All in real time.

Deep customization

Customization is not just about look and feel but around your special business needs.
For example, which special search categories do you want to have? Is there a special grouping of results required? Is there a special ordering logic you want?
Custom search filters for your business?
We personalize everything for you. We have transformed the customer experience of sites within a matter of weeks.
At a fraction of the cost of an engineer.

Alternative to Sharepoint, Solr, Lucene, Elasticsearch, Sphinx etc based search boxes

Contemporary search solutions focus on keywords but our solution is great at deducing intent, thus improving search relevance and reducing clutter. As result our search results are top-notch.
We get search right.

Economical & Effective

Companies waste precious time and money trying to solve ecommerce search relevance problems by patching band-aid fixes which are based on keywords derived from user queries.This is a deceptive problem.

In the end, our site search solution will be way better in quality and economy for your enterprise.
If you are looking for alchemyapi alternatives, or opencalais alternatives, you have come to the right place.
Try us out and see how our performance is better than other commercial NLP solutions or open source NLP frameworks like StanfordNLP, NLTK etc

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