Most commercial solutions limit the number of flows per second (100K - 400K) per server or GB/day. But big data solutions need to break free of these restrirctions.
In many cases big data analysis is not commercially viable due to high infrastructure cost. Scaling up doesn't have to so expensive. Our solutions are efficient and use nearly half of what other vendors use.
ThatNeedle was designed for sub millisecond (< 0.1ms) latency and enable real time processsing and analysis
Most of our nlp libraries are less than 40MB on disk and are ideal for embedding in edge devices and offline, on device nlp applications.
They can be configured to run as on-premise microservices also.
We can incorporate your custom data processing needs into a custom binary implementation.
We only charge a reasonable fee for the customization that's only a fraction your inhouse engineering cost.
You should definitely consider ThatNeedle library as an alternative to Splunk, Datadog, Solarwinds etc.
Please get in touch with your needs if you are looking for alternatives to above vendors.
Integration of ThatNeedle library by your programmers into your application is easy. All it takes is a restful call or a native function call to harness the the power of ThatNeedle.